Pam Godwin

 Pam Godwin 's Books

A very well recieved series by Pam Godwin are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Manipulate, Take, Dominate, Complicate, Lessons in Sin, Into Temptation, From Evil: Books 4-6, [Trails of Sin 01.0] Knotted, Sea of Ruin, Disclaim (Deliver #3), Knotted, Vanquish, One is a Promise, Deliver, Booted, Blood of Eve, Dark Notes, Beneath the Burn, Two is a Lie, Devastate, Devastate (Deliver Book 4), Dirty Ties, Dawn of Eve, Three is a War, Infidelity: Incentive (Kindle Worlds), Buckled, which was published in 2022.